Furthermore, the Memphis region seems to have been favorably合理地/有利地 located for the control not only of river-based trade but also of desert trade routes.(主旨句,承接上段,继续介绍孟菲斯被选择为埃及统一之后第一个首都的理由:地理位置优越,能够控制河流和沙漠贸易路线) The two outwash fans in the area gave access to the extensive广阔的 wadi干河床 systems of the eastern desert.(承接主旨,介绍如何能够控制沙漠贸易路线) In predynastic times, the Wadi Digla may have served as a trade route between the Memphis region and the Near East, to judge from the unusual concentration of foreign artifacts手工艺品 found in the predynastic settlement居住地 of Maadi. (举例Digla这条干河床对连接埃及和近东的贸易路线起着作用)Access to, and control of, trade routes between Egypt and the Near East seems to have been a preoccupation当务之急 of Egypt's rulers during the period of state formation. (这是一句“废话”,即重复解释说明埃及和近东贸易路线的重要性)The desire to monopolize垄断 foreign trade may have been one of the primary主要的 factors behind the political unification of Egypt. (还是一句“废话”,继续重复垄断国外贸易的重要性)The foundation of the national capital at the junction交汇处 of an important trade route with the Nile valley is not likely to have been accidental意外的.(承接主旨,解释说明孟菲斯能够控制河流贸易的理由)//(段落分层,除了河流和沙漠贸易路线的控制,孟菲斯还有别的优势)Moreover, the Wadis Hof and Digla provided the Memphis region with accessible可进入的 desert pasturage牧场.(H&D两条干河床让孟菲斯能够抵达沙漠牧场,即能发展经济) As was the case with the cities of Hierakonpolis and Elkab, the combination within the same area of both desert pasturage and alluvial冲积的 arable可耕种的 land (land suitable for growing crops) was a particularly attractive one for early settlement(类比:H&E,既有沙漠牧场又有可耕种的土地); this combination no doubt contributed to促成/导致 the prosperity繁荣/兴旺 of the Memphis region from early predynastic times.(孟菲斯也是如此,促进早期繁荣)